If you have any questions about our test service, contact us please.
If you apply, please send the Application Form as an attachment.

e-mail : e-mail

  • Address : 1-10-12 Yagumo-higashi-machi, Moriguchi City, Osaka 570-0021, Japan
  • This contact information is only for corporate users which are interested in our test service.
  • We could not answer any other questions.
Privacy Policy

We will handle your name, address, and phone number etc.(referred to herein as "personal information") you provide to us as described below.

  1. Your message including personal information will be received by Collaborate System Verification Center to reply to your inquiries and application form.
  2. Your privacy will be respected and we will not supply or disclose your personal information to other third parties except in cases where you have agreed beforehand, provided that we can disclose your personal data to third parties when such disclosure is in compliance with or required by applicable laws.
  3. We may share your message or inquiry including personal information with other related departments within Panasonic Group to meet your needs.
  4. If you wish to review your personal information, please send your request by e-mail.
    We will appropriately respond to your request.

Collaborate System Verification Center, Appliances Company, Panasonic Corporation